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Common quality problems and solutions for instant noodle packaging

Jul 14,2024

Source: Link Testing Instruments Co.,Ltd.

  1. What are the common packaging forms of instant noodles?

(1) Bucket (box): The barrel (box) is made of a composite of paper and plastic film, usually PE coated white cardboard, and the cover film is often made of a composite of plastic, paper, and aluminum foil, such as a paper/Al/PE composite structure. After the barrel (box) is sealed with the cover film, it is packaged as a whole with a heat shrink film. Since the barrel (box) will be exposed to high temperature and grease during consumption, attention should be paid to the hygienic performance control of the barrel (box) and the cover film. In addition, attention should be paid to the shrinkage rate and shrinkage force of the heat shrink film to ensure that the shrink packaging is tight and not easily deformed.

(2) Bag packaging: According to the different materials of the packaging bag, it can be divided into

• Plastic single-layer film: as the inner packaging, directly in contact with the instant noodles.

• Plastic composite film: a composite of plastic film and plastic film, generally with low barrier properties.

• Aluminum-coated composite film: a composite of aluminum foil film and plastic film, with high barrier properties and good light-shielding properties.

2. What properties should we pay attention to when the packaging materials used for box (bucket) instant noodles enter the factory?

(1) Barrier properties

• Barrier properties to oxygen and water vapor in the environment - verified by oxygen permeability and water vapor permeability tests to prevent the packaging material from getting moldy or losing its crispness due to high permeability and poor barrier properties.

(2) Physical and mechanical properties

• Compression resistance - verified by compression resistance test to prevent instant noodle boxes (barrels) from changing during stacking and squeezing

(3) Hygienic properties

• Residual organic solvent - verified by solvent residue test. If the residual solvent is too much, the packaging box will have an odor, and the residual solvent will easily migrate into the packaged instant noodles, causing the instant noodles to have an odor and affecting the health of consumers.

• Plasticizer content - verified by phthalate content test to prevent it from migrating into the instant noodles under conditions of heat, oil, etc., affecting the health of consumers.

3. What should I do if the instant noodle packaging slips or deviates during unwinding and bagging?

Quality issues:

Instant noodle packaging roll film is prone to slipping and deviation during the unwinding and bagging process on the production line.

Cause analysis:

(1) Packaging materials

• Low or uneven friction coefficient - When the friction coefficient between the inner and outer surfaces of the packaging roll film is low or uneven (or the friction coefficient between the inner surface of the packaging roll film and the metal reel of the good production equipment in direct contact is low or uneven), when unwinding and bagging, it is easy to slip or deviate under the action of the same drag force.

(2) Production equipment

• Unsmooth surface of the unwinding reel - The surface of the reel on which the film is placed in the production equipment is not smooth, resulting in uneven friction coefficient with the inner surface of the roll film, which is prone to deviation.

Expert advice:

- Pay attention to the factory monitoring of the friction coefficient index of the packaging material.

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